Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Obama says Congress is dysfunctional...... well, DUUUUUHHHHH

Jamie Dupree 
Obama calls Congress "dysfunctional" but says he's confident he can get immigration reform bill approved

That's the tweet I got from Jamie Dupree, Washington Correspondent.  For the record, Dupree is the ONLY person I bother listening to or reading for actual news out of DC.  You can follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/jamiedupree or catch his blog from the AJC at http://www.wsbradio.com/weblogs/jamie-dupree/.  I suggest you do both, as he's all over it like stink on the Congressional records.  

But back to the topic at hand.  OBAMA says CONGRESS is dysfunctional.  Isn't that a bit of slight-of-hand on his part?  It's like when two white-trash neighbors are feuding, and one calls the cops on the other because the broken down car parked in his front yard is an eyesore.  Then the other neighbor calls the cops of the first neighbor and claims the motor swinging in his tree devalues the trailer, and it just escalate from there.  

Here be some facts:

1) Congress is dysfunctional.  Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Barack.
2) The Executive branch is dysfunctional.  SNAP!  Didn't see that comin, didja, Obama?
3) The Judicial branch is dysfunctional.   
4) Politics is dysfunctional.  

For the record, I feel it's important that I take a moment to point out that Barack Obama was absolutely, 100% correct in his assessment of Congress.  Even if it is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.  

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sequestration Woes = More DC BS

What a load.  Sequestration causing flight delays.  Sequestration causing police and firefighter cuts.  Sequestration causing blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Bull.  The sequestration was 2%.  It was nothing.  It was a drop in the bucket.  Delays, fuss, muss, and bologna happen because the government and it's departments are the most incredibly inefficient constructs ever to disgrace the planet with their presence.

Anyone who's ever run a business, or for that matter, successfully managed a families finances, knows full well that 2% is a significant figure to find a way to cut, but it's easily accomplished by prioritizing your needs.  The Federal Government couldn't prioritize, and for decades has kicked the can.  Then they ended up making this ridiculous deal as a "compromise" between the D's and R's so they could punt once again.

Now it's back and it's biting them in the ass.  The D's are blaming the R's, the R's and blaming the D's, and nobody seems to recall that this was a bipartisan compromise on a neglected budget.

Any department could easily cut 2% and still do their jobs.  As a matter of fact, I'd venture a guess that most departments could trim well over 25% and still be effective in doing what they are actually supposed to be doing.  They need to prioritize.  Get it straight.  Stop wasting money.  People are tired of working and working and working to give 1/3 of their earnings to the Federal Government to be used to support duplicate and triplicate projects that aren't a necessary or proper role of Federal Government in the first place.

Enough is enough.  Congress, stop bitching about the 2% cut hurting services, and start talking about why you have people in charge of departments that can't be trusted to run their departments properly.  Don't fight the symptom, fight the problem!

April 24th, 1915.... We'll NEVER Forget

We remember.  98 years has passed, but we remember.

How could we not?  More than a million perished.  Friends.  Families.  Neighbors.  Gone.  You marched them into the desert.  You murdered.  You maimed.  You left the bodies where they fell along the long march into nothing.  You 'relocated' hundreds of thousands of people to the afterlife.  

And to this day, you still can't be bothered to admit your wrongs.  98 year ago today, you began an autrocity.  An autrocity that the world is still shaky about remembering.  Many deny.  The guilty won't accept their guilt, and attempt to punish others who speak out against it.  The guilty still hold many of our lands, as if they were somehow entitled to it because of their bravery in murdering 1.5 million of our countrymen.  Buthering our people and claiming our lands for themselves, then denying the entire thing for generations.  

When will it end?  Will a nation never address it's previous wrongs?  Simply admit that something horrible took place, at their direction?  A known and proven fact, that is ignored, glossed over, forgotten, or denied by a large portion of the world for nothing more than political reasons.  

We don't ignore.  

We don't deny.

We will NEVER forget the Ottoman Turk Murderers who attempted to raze our people from the surface of this earth.

Monday, April 8, 2013

A sad day for liberty....

  Today  marks the passing of a legend.  Margaret Thatcher, the first and thus far only female Prime Minister of Great Britain, has died.  Initial reports mark the cause of death as complications resulting from a stroke. 

More details:  http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/08/world/europe/uk-margaret-thatcher-dead/?hpt=hp_t1

The Iron Lady, one the of greatest defenders of liberty in the 20th century, will be sorely missed by those who cherish individual liberty and know the humongous part she played in defending it over the years. 

'The Problem With Liberalism Is Eventually You Run Out of Other People's Money!'

- Margaret Thatcher

Madam Prime Minister, you will be missed as long as their is still individualism and liberty alive on this earth.  May your example be the shining light that guides us through the dark ahead and on to freedom in the future.  Rest in peace, dear lady, you have done your work and surely earned a high place in whatever afterlife you may find yourself in.