If you haven’t been paying attention recently, there’s a bill being debated in the Senate right now that has some rather far reaching impacts. By right now, I mean it’s 8pm in DC as I’m typing this, and the Senate is in session discussing this bill.
It’s really a rather simple bill. It is an authorization for our military. What this bill would authorize is absolutely terrifying, though. If you take a casual glance at the bill, and don’t pay attention to the specific wording, you’ll think it’s not problem. It authorizes the military to detain terrorists indefinitely. Where’s the problem in that? They should be detaining any they catch, and they can keep them as long as they want.
What you missed by not paying close enough attention to the wording of this bill is that it actually authorizes US Military forces to detain indefinitely any person suspected of working with or supporting the Taliban or Al Qaeda, regardless of citizenship or location. So, US citizens, who are protected from such things by the constitution, and specifically cannot be detained without due process, could now be detained without ANY process by any military official who believes they are in any way working or supporting terrorism. Even better, it won’t matter if you’re in the US, or any other country. If our military can get to you, you can be detained. Indefinitely. With no charges filed, and no trial.
If you’re still fuzzy on where the problem lies, I’ll lay it all out for you. There is no burden of proof, so it doesn’t matter if this happens to someone who is actually supporting terror, or if it’s just someone who happens to have pissed off the wrong person. This bill gives unfettered power to the Executive Branch of the US Government, and the military, to take ANY PERSON into custody ANY WHERE in or out of this nation for ANY REASON or for no reason.
Now, the debate currently under way in the Senate is not on whether this bill should be enacted, but is specifically regarding the wording of such bill. I, and others like me, are hoping that the folks who think liberty is important will prevail in this argument and force there to be some due process. Obviously, if someone is shooting at our armed forces, all bets are off, return fire. However, I don’t want to live in a nation where they can send troops to your home any time they like to take you away for as long as they’d like without having to answer to anyone about why, where, or for how long. That’s not liberty, that’s despotism, with unlimited government and extremely limited personal freedoms. Iraq in the 90’s had a very similar government. Not my cup of tea.
Strangely enough, I finally have something that I agree with the Occutards on. This bill is pure evil, police state, martial law crap, and should absolutely be killed, at least in it’s present form. I’m all for fighting terror, but do not take away freedom, liberty, individualism, hope, and life to do so. I fear my government by far more than I fear any member of the Taliban, and they have done far more to harm me and mine than any group of terrorists ever could.
I suggest you keep a close eye on Senate Bill 1867. Information can be found at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:S.1867:.
To read more about this bill from people of greatly varying perspectives from mine, click a few links below.
And yes, even an Occutard post. I can’t believe there’s something happening in this nation that leaves me agreeing 100% with this group of nit-wits.
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