Monday, January 16, 2012

Huntsman out of the “Running of the Bull?”

Well, it’s been rumored last night, and still unconfirmed as far as I’m aware, that John Huntsman is dropping out of the race and endorsing Mitt Romney. 

There was apparently some information provided to CNN via a Huntsman Campaign staff member, that he would be making an announcement to that effect today.  What does this mean for the race?

Everything.  Huntsman doesn’t have a lot of supporters, but there are enough to make a difference. I’ve already said, more than once, that Romney would be the nominee.  The other other person I see with the drive and willingness to fight for it is Ron Paul, who has been finishing strong everywhere, but not strong enough. 

Adding Huntsman’s numbers to Romney’s will make that lead even stronger.  And what happens when the others start dropping?  Perry, Gingrich, Santorum…. they will be expected to toe the line like Huntsman did, and pledge their support the the anointed one of the GOP.

Once again, establishment politics is shown to work in all it’s wonderful dysfunction.  My prediction is one step closer to coming true, as Romney gains more support and pulls a little further ahead.

Might just as well vote for Obama.  Nothing is going to change with Romney in the White House, and Romney can’t beat Obama anyhow.  Why bother.  If Paul goes for a third party ticket, I’m voting for him.  If not, I’m voting for the Libertarian or Constitution Party candidates.  Whichever one is more qualified.  Anything else is a vote for continued wastefulness, deception, and government “as usual.”

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