Today, the protest against SOPA and PIPA got really heated up. Several major websites, including Reddit, Google, Wikipedia, and Craigslist, have all blacked out or partially blacked out their pages today. They are presenting users with a message describing the bills that are in the US Congress right now, as well as encouraging people to write or call their representatives and make a difference.
If you haven’t done so yet, go to to learn about this great threat to your freedom and what you can do about it. Wikipedia has made it very easy to contact your representatives, too. Type in your zip code and click the button, they will bring up a page with your Congressional Representative, your State Representative, and both of your Senators listed with contact information about.
Tell your representatives, tell the world, and stop this ridiculous threat once and for all. Hands off the internet, Congress. You’ve made a mess of the real world, you don’t need to destroy the virtual one as well.
To see other sites participating in the protest, go to
These bills need to be killed off or vetoed!