Friday, February 17, 2012

Another week comes to a close

As I sit on the bus on the way home from work, I can’t help but wonder what our dear President is up to right now.  I also can’t help but wonder what traffic will look like. 

These are normal musings I have.  I think about Obama frequently, by usually it’s more like “how do I get people to wake up and vote this moron out.”  Today, I wonder what he’s up to because he’s here in town. 

The Pres. came to Everett today, stood up at the Boeing plant and yapped a bit.  Seeing as Boeing is unionized, and unions are bread and butter to the Dems, that seems reasonable.  Then he hopped into the helicopter and headed south, landing in Kirkland, and should be at one of his two fundraisers tonight. 

My bus goes through Kirkland on the way home.  I really hope Obama being in town hasn’t screwed traffic on the 520 bridge too horribly.  If he’s sticking around on this side of the water, we should be ok, but if he’s headed across into Seattle, I may be here a while. 

Anyone else tired of paying for the fuel, maintenance, and staff aboard Air Force One (not to mention all the Secret Service and miscellaneous other expenses that go with a travelling POTUS) so that he can come out and visit to get more donations and continue campaigning?  I think if a sitting President want’s to campaign, he should pay for all of his own expenses, not get paid for the time spent doing so, and effectively not be the President while he’s campaigning.  The VP takes over his duties, and does as the VP wants for the time the Pres. spends on the road. 

Even better.  No more two term Presidents.  Most of these people do enough damage in 4 years, we sure as hell don’t need them for 8.  Let someone else come in to clean up their mess and make a new mess all their own.

American politics really is ridiculous.  We must be some seriously mental individuals to be involved in this.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Maine Caucus and Ron Paul

It’s very interesting to see what goes on when you have a caucus.  Absolutely ridiculous, 100% tarded, and NOT by mistake.  I don’t know that it’s specifically against Ron Paul, but it sure does seem like it is.  It wouldn’t really surprise me in the least, but I think it’s likely against all but Romney.   Check out the video and post a comment or two.

Monday, February 13, 2012

5 Reasons why Obama’s Proposed Budget is Mule Squeeze that Doesn’t Have a Snowballs Chance in Hell of Being Passed

If you haven’t had a chance to read this crap, the full pdf of the President Proposed Budget can be found at

For those wanting a quick overview without going blind on the multi-phonebook sized monstrosity that was produced by the Obama Administration, check out our boy Jamie Dupree’s blog for a great breakdown.

1) It calls for raising taxes on “high-earners” – you know, the people that employ you – at a time when unemployment is still at record high numbers.

2) It calls for raising Capital Gains taxes to 20% (currently 15%).  That is a 25% increase in the cost of investing long term in the growth of the economy, which will do nothing but slow investing, and reduce federal revenues from that source.

3) There is no way in hell the House will pass this stupidity. The Republicans still control the House, and passing something that increases taxes this much would promise them no re-election.

4) There is no way in hell the Senate will pass this idiocy.  The Democrats control the Senate, true, but not a single one of them are dumb enough to want to be on record as voting for this economic disaster.  Most likely it won’t get a hearing in the Senate (and they’ll naturally say it’s the fault of the GOP in the House who refused to support it, so reviewing it in the Senate would just be a waste of time).

5) Obama has no desire to see this passed.  He knows it’s BS.  He knows it won’t get passed Congress.  He is (again) using his position to campaign for re-election.  This will be a ploy so he can point at Congress and say “look, I proposed a budget, and those damned evil, greedy Republicans won’t let it through.”

Yes, Obama-lama-ding-dong, we’re on to you.  There are enough morons in this nation who are too stupid to see what is happening, but there are a few intelligent people that actually pay attention left here as well.  Too few for my tastes, but we’re not extinct, and we know you are a lying, manipulative, statist jerk-off who doesn’t give one tiny little shit about the people of this nation or our freedoms. 

Unfortunately for we the people, the GOP can’t be bothered to have candidates that are worth voting for, so it looks to me like you’re going to have a second term in which to attempt to destroy this once great nation.  You’ve done a hell of a bang up job so far; I can’t wait to see what new entitlement bullshit and liberty-removal tools you’ll come up with for the second term.

Friday, February 10, 2012

What do you do when the Government fights against you?

By now, I would guess most people have heard that Iran shut off their internet services to the entire nation today.  This brings up a valid concern for many people, from many different areas of the world.

What about the US?  Should we worry about this happening here?  After all, the US Constitution….. never mind, it’s been ignored for decades.

The truth is yes, we should in fact fear this.  Fear it greatly.  Just last year, there was a bill floated (never made it to a vote, but too close for comfort) that would give the President the power to order ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) to shut down all services.  That would mean a complete black-out of internet service, across the nation.  This is a HUGE threat.  People use the internet for communications, as well as just dinking around.  Shutting off the web is akin to turning off all mobile and landline telephone service across the country. 

It has happened in other nations, and it’s becoming more and more likely that Congress will “legally” give the President power to pull the plug in this nation sometime soon.  When that happens, the citizens will lose all ability to band together for mutual protection if and when the Government decides it’s going to take a little more control than it should.  We’ll have no way to communicate, no way to find the meeting site, no way to exchange information.  Do you have a backup plan?

Start here.  Read, learn, and plan.  It may not happen today, it may not happen this year, but someday, we’re going to be in a huge world of shit, and you’re going to need to be armed with some knowledge and know-how if you’re planning on surviving.  Get on it.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Libertarians, Republicans, and the Constitution Party

What do all three off these groups have in common? 

The proclaimed goals of making government smaller. 

What else?

None of them can deliver. 

Failure seems to be the word of the day when you’re trying to make the federal government curl up on itself and shrink a little.  They all fail for slightly different reasons, though.  The Republican Party fails because they say they want smaller government, but then some issue comes up that they just can’t leg go of.  They need to make sure homosexuals can’t marry.  They need to make sure people can’t purchase pot.  They need, they need, they need.  They are so busy legislating morality, which required new government overseers, that they simply will never get around to shrinking government.

The Constitution Party fails because it’s dinky.  There are not enough members to really make a difference.  They are likely to be former Republicans who became disillusioned with the party of no-action, and found a different group that actually wanted to do something about the problem.  Too bad that group is ineffective, at best.

Then there’s the Libertarians.  Oh, my dear Libertarians.  I self identify as a Libertarian, because I believe they have the best platform.  However, I’m active with the GOP, because they have the most chance of actually making something happen.  The Libertarian Party is fairly decent sized, although still not big enough to really challenge the status quo for GOP v Dems.  Still, big enough to get some recognition.  The problem they have are some of their members.  Some Libertarians aren’t willing to compromise at all, because, as they see it, compromise is what got us to this situation in the first place.

They’re not wrong.  But you can’t have a total Libertarian victory. It will not happen.  What you can do is advance some Libertarian values, change some laws to make things a little more free.  Remove some ridiculous government regulation.  Too many Libertarians (not all by any means) want us to totally take down the entire infrastructure of the United States and rebuild it on Libertarian values.  Now! 

Well, that’s just plain dumb.  It’s not going to happen.  If it did, it would collapse and fail in no time.  The majority of citizens couldn’t handle ultimate individual liberty and responsibility, and would resort to lawlessness and unethical behavior.  It would be a total mess.  It’s a great ideal to work towards, but there has to be some steps in between.

What we REALLY need to see happen is to have these people join forces.  The Tea Party, an already relatively formidable faction of the GOP, is close to the same basic ideas of both the Constitution Party (run the county by the Constitution) and the Libertarian Party (ultimate individual liberty and responsibility).  There are things these groups don’t see eye to eye on, but they all agree the Federal Government is too damned big, and too damned powerful.  If they would just get active in the GOP, they could force a paradigm shift from within, moving us towards freer times, rule of law, and individual liberties.  It would not result in the ideal for any of these groups, but it would be closer to all three of these groups ideals. 

So why can’t we get together and decide to do this?  Stubbornness?  Unwillingness to compromise?  Sheer desire for power?

Probably a little bit of all the above.  I know a lot of Libertarians take strong offense to being lumped in with Republicans on anything.  I can’t necessarily blame them, but at the same time, the best way to change any organization is from within that organization. Spread your thoughts and ideas among others.  Gauge your support.  The ideas that you can all agree on, move on.  Now!  Don’t wait, tomorrow may be too late!

We most certainly need to enact some limits on Federal Power, because in another generation, our opportunity to do so will be gone.  By then, the dumbed down electorate will be so dependent on government that they will be unable or unwilling to fight against the rampant control from DC.  They would be biting the hand that feeds them.  When greater than 50% of the population of this nation depend on the government in some small way to support there way of life, we are lost. 

At last count, it was roughly 47%.  The end is nigh, and we must fight now, or fade silently into the night.  Libertarians, Constitution Party – find your local GOP meeting, and attend.  Watch, listen, and learn.  Then start talking, sharing, and encouraging.  Things can change, but they won’t change themselves.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Democrats and the Black Community

Martin Luther King had a dream.  His dream, while partially realized, likely didn’t turn out the way he wanted.  Part of this is because black people (no, I did NOT say African-American – That’s ignorant propaganda that panders to the stupid or ignorant among the populace) were so used to being victimized that, while they received equal rights by law, they still viewed themselves as victims.
To be realistic, in many ways they still were being victimized.  A great many inequities existed that black people had to deal with, and even today there are many people that still will treat people differently based on skin color.  There is, in fact, a valid psychological reason for that.  Oddly enough, it stems from the actions of the Democratic Party. 
How in the world is this possible?  Well, let me tell you.  When black people first started being able to vote, the Democrats saw this huge influx of voters, which they could not tap.  Most voted Republican.  After all, Abe Lincoln was a Republican, and he freed them from slavery (leaving along the fact that he did so for entirely selfish reasons and believed black people to be inferior – we’re not taught that in Government schools).  Martin Luther King was a Republican.  He didn’t want his community to be free to suckle off the government teat, he wanted his community to be free to work hard and get ahead, just like the white people could do.  Seems like a fantastic dream.  I wholeheartedly support this.
Enter the Democrats.  In order to secure votes of this new, large group of potential voters, they start making promises.  Some of these promises, they can’t keep, but it doesn’t matter, because this new group of voters is largely ignorant and uneducated at this point.  They don’t know how things really work, because nobody has even bothered to teach them.  They know what they’re told, and they’re being told by the Democrats that they are victims, and they have a right to a bunch of stuff that isn’t even close to being a right as a form of compensation for this victimization.  They are being told that republicans hate them, and want to oppress them, and don’t want them to be equal in any way.  They are being told that their salvation lies with the Democrats, and that if they vote for them, they will get more rights, free money, more favorable laws to help them get better jobs that pay more.
That sounds like a wonderful deal.  Who wouldn’t want more rights than the next guy, and help finding a great, high paying job, and free money from the government?  Hell, where do I sign up?  But what’s the catch?  The catch is that the Democrat Party has trained black people to believe they NEED all these benefits in order to compete with others.  They have continued to feed them the victimization, and keep the victim mentally alive in the black community.  The black family unit used to be one of the strongest you would find anywhere.  They supported one another, they helped one another, they loved their neighbors and helped them when they could.  Black community was very tight knit, loving, and compassionate. 
Now, after several decades of being fed the victim card, the black community is largely peopled by thugs.  They have adopted the victim mentally to the point where many strongly believe that they cannot succeed without the help of government.  They’ve been fed so many lies about what they are owed and what they have a right to that they try to take what they want from others, frequently from other blacks, simply because if that other person has it, you deserve to have it to.  The crime statistics for black males is through the roof.  Black males account for less than 7% of the population of the United States, and yet nearly 50% of violent crimes are committed by black males. 
This is caused by an erosion of black culture.  They have been fed lies by the Democrats, subtly saying that they aren’t worth as much as other people, for decades.  They come in the guise of rights.  They come dressed as offers of more and more and more.  What it has done is made many black people dependent on the government to survive.  It has lowered their self worth to the point where many feel they MUST have the governments help to survive.  They feel they are unable to do it themselves, because they are always being victimized, and cannot get ahead in live because of this. 
The Democratic Party has destroyed the black family unit, black community, and black sense of self worth.  They have replaced it with dependency, a strong victim mentality, and a culture of violence.  And 95% of black voters vote Democrat every single time, with no regard to the issues.  Seems like a great deal for the Democrats.  What about the millions of people whose lives were destroyed to buy those votes?