Friday, February 10, 2012

What do you do when the Government fights against you?

By now, I would guess most people have heard that Iran shut off their internet services to the entire nation today.  This brings up a valid concern for many people, from many different areas of the world.

What about the US?  Should we worry about this happening here?  After all, the US Constitution….. never mind, it’s been ignored for decades.

The truth is yes, we should in fact fear this.  Fear it greatly.  Just last year, there was a bill floated (never made it to a vote, but too close for comfort) that would give the President the power to order ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) to shut down all services.  That would mean a complete black-out of internet service, across the nation.  This is a HUGE threat.  People use the internet for communications, as well as just dinking around.  Shutting off the web is akin to turning off all mobile and landline telephone service across the country. 

It has happened in other nations, and it’s becoming more and more likely that Congress will “legally” give the President power to pull the plug in this nation sometime soon.  When that happens, the citizens will lose all ability to band together for mutual protection if and when the Government decides it’s going to take a little more control than it should.  We’ll have no way to communicate, no way to find the meeting site, no way to exchange information.  Do you have a backup plan?

Start here.  Read, learn, and plan.  It may not happen today, it may not happen this year, but someday, we’re going to be in a huge world of shit, and you’re going to need to be armed with some knowledge and know-how if you’re planning on surviving.  Get on it.

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