Monday, February 13, 2012

5 Reasons why Obama’s Proposed Budget is Mule Squeeze that Doesn’t Have a Snowballs Chance in Hell of Being Passed

If you haven’t had a chance to read this crap, the full pdf of the President Proposed Budget can be found at

For those wanting a quick overview without going blind on the multi-phonebook sized monstrosity that was produced by the Obama Administration, check out our boy Jamie Dupree’s blog for a great breakdown.

1) It calls for raising taxes on “high-earners” – you know, the people that employ you – at a time when unemployment is still at record high numbers.

2) It calls for raising Capital Gains taxes to 20% (currently 15%).  That is a 25% increase in the cost of investing long term in the growth of the economy, which will do nothing but slow investing, and reduce federal revenues from that source.

3) There is no way in hell the House will pass this stupidity. The Republicans still control the House, and passing something that increases taxes this much would promise them no re-election.

4) There is no way in hell the Senate will pass this idiocy.  The Democrats control the Senate, true, but not a single one of them are dumb enough to want to be on record as voting for this economic disaster.  Most likely it won’t get a hearing in the Senate (and they’ll naturally say it’s the fault of the GOP in the House who refused to support it, so reviewing it in the Senate would just be a waste of time).

5) Obama has no desire to see this passed.  He knows it’s BS.  He knows it won’t get passed Congress.  He is (again) using his position to campaign for re-election.  This will be a ploy so he can point at Congress and say “look, I proposed a budget, and those damned evil, greedy Republicans won’t let it through.”

Yes, Obama-lama-ding-dong, we’re on to you.  There are enough morons in this nation who are too stupid to see what is happening, but there are a few intelligent people that actually pay attention left here as well.  Too few for my tastes, but we’re not extinct, and we know you are a lying, manipulative, statist jerk-off who doesn’t give one tiny little shit about the people of this nation or our freedoms. 

Unfortunately for we the people, the GOP can’t be bothered to have candidates that are worth voting for, so it looks to me like you’re going to have a second term in which to attempt to destroy this once great nation.  You’ve done a hell of a bang up job so far; I can’t wait to see what new entitlement bullshit and liberty-removal tools you’ll come up with for the second term.

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