Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Hidden Message Behind The Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag…. you know the rest.  At least you ought to.  If you don’t, your unpatriotic, I’m told.  As a matter of fact, if you choose not to participate any time someone leads the pledge you’re not patriotic.  Why is that?

Because we’re told so, of course.  How DARE you disrespect the country like that.  Children are taught from their first day in government educational facilities that they need to stand up, put their hand over their heart, face the flag, and recite this little phrase every single morning before we get down to work.  While I love my country, I find this troubling. 

One nation we may be, but indivisible we most certainly are not.  Nor are we truly supposed to be a “nation” in the traditional definition of the word.  A nation is a large area or group of people under control or rule of one central government that claims to be sovereign from other such entities.  Is that the United States?

Unfortunately, it is.  More and more every day.  However, that is NOT what we are supposed to be.  We were founded as a collection of states that had delegated very specific and limited powers of governance to a central authority for the sake of moderation in disputes and directing defense.  The Federal Government was established to help mediate between the states and coordinate matters of defense.  It was never intended to be a “ruling entity” at all. 

This “pledge”, which was originally written as a marketing slogan, was instituted in school as a way to slowly introduce the ideas that we are one nation.  Over the decades since the founding fathers declared us a free nation and established the rule of law here, we have move, slowly but steadily, towards that which we fought to break away from in the first place.  No longer are we a collection of sovereign state.  No longer are citizens free to pursue happiness, unless they obtain permission from the government.  No longer can we defend what is our from those who would take it from us.  No longer can we keep what we make or earn through our own labors.  The Government wants a cut so they can help others.  The Government won’t allow you to do that for your own good.  The Government wants you to pay your “fair share”, which will never be high enough no matter how much it is.

I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America.  A broken nation, over regulated, with taxation and penalties for all.

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