Sunday, May 13, 2012

Illegal Aliens Tax Loophole?

The news this last week had many mentions of illegal aliens finding tax loopholes to claim child tax credits.  (

The one thing that really stands out to me in this is the whole “illegal immigrants claiming exemptions for dependents that don’t even live in this country is horrible abuse of the tax payers” mentality.  There are several reasons I say this. 

First, illegal immigrants all pay taxes.  The majority of them even pay the IRS their income taxes.  Many of those don’t claim refunds at all, even though they are technically entitled to some of that money back by IRS rules, because they are afraid of doing anything that might get them sent back.  So there’s a lot of money going into the system.  This doesn’t count state and local taxes, such as property tax (paid through their rents) and retail sales tax (paid every time they make a taxable purchase).  Not to mention fees for drivers license, telephones, internet, etc.  Everywhere you go you’re taxed.  So are they. 

Second, this mess isn’t the fault of the illegal immigrants.  Note, I do not say “undocumented”, because that’s bullshit.  They are illegal, plain and simple, stop trying to sugar coat the whole damned world.  They are doing much like the vast majority of us are doing.  They are using whatever means they have at their disposal to get as much money as they can back out of the government.  Now, this method is of questionable legality, so I cannot condone it.  However, each and every one of you takes whatever deductions you can find come tax time to try to keep as much as you can, and you know it.  Don’t blame them for using this ridiculous cluster of crap we call our tax code in a way that benefits them.  That’s human nature.  Blame the IRS.  Tax codes in this country are a joke.  And a poor joke at that, since it’s not even remotely funny.  Get rid of the convoluted crap, and magically there will be no way to “game the system”.

Lastly, people are still upset that illegal immigrants are here in the first place.  Most people are pretty accepting of legal immigrants.  The only real difference between the two is how they got here.  Many illegals don’t want to break the law, but they want to try to find a better life and have no other way to get here.  The vast majority of illegal immigrants are good, hard working people who want a better life for themselves and their families.  We make is so damned hard to get into this country legally that they don’t really have much of an option.  I can’t blame them.  I’d sneak across the border too.  Fix the immigration problem by making it easy to get in legally and difficult or deadly to try to come in illegally, and all of a sudden nearly all new immigrants will do it the right way.

Shocking, I know.  Symptoms go away when you cure a disease.  Who’d have thought that.  Instead of sitting around bitching about all the little things that are bad, how about we remove our heads from our butts and fix the problems that lead to those issues.  This entire situation is due to unnecessarily complicated and convoluted tax code combined with piss-poor immigration policies in this country.  Both of which are the job of Congress to change, and instead they argue about minor and immaterial nuances of both. 

Congress, DO YOUR JOB!

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