Herman Cain was the first GOP Presidential candidate to release any sort of detailed plan for what he would do as President to help the economy out, but should he have been?
Yes, of course. He has made tremendous headway with this plan, and it’s honestly not THAT good of a plan. Don’t get me wrong, I’m actually a Cain supporter. I’ve listened to his radio show off and on for years. I’d have listened more if my schedule would have allowed it. The man is smart. He’s practical. He knows things.
Putting that aside for a moment, 9-9-9 is an abortion of a plan. I’m STILL supporting him, because I don’t think he’ll get it passed as is, and I think with some changes and modifications it will be much more close to what his real goal is anyhow. That’s the Fairtax, which is exactly what this nation needs.
The reasons I say the 9-9-9 plan isn’t good are threefold. First, you’re adding an additional tax without repealing another. I love the fact that the overall tax rates go down. I love the fact that it’s plain, simple, and easy. I love the fact that it would replace a 10,000 page monstrosity of a tax code with something more like a leaflet. I hate the idea of the feds having another avenue to get money. I know that the Cain plan is to get this, then move to the Fairtax, completely eliminating the income tax. What if he can’t do that while in office? What if he dies in office and his VP disagrees? What if he plans it for his second term and gets defeated (which I would not see happening – in Cain wins this one, he will be in for 8 year, I promise you, and we’ll all miss him when he’s gone).
You see my point? If they get another tax path, there will be very few in DC who will let go. They will keep it, and slowly it will increase and have extra pages added until it’s the same monster we have, only it will be attacking on an additional front. Not what we need.
Next, while it’s catchy as can be to say 9-9-9 all the time, it’s not a serious plan. I believe Cain feels like it’s a serious plan right now, or perhaps he feels like it’s an avenue to a serious plan. He’s wrong. Brilliant, but wrong. It has given him one hell of a boost in the ratings, but I believe he could have gotten that same boost by touting the Fairtax. I also believe he should be touting the Fairtax. Come up with a catchy phrase. Like “fairness in taxation – not just for the Democrats anymore”. Sounds good to me. Fairness, and equality in what we pay. What a wonderful idea. Unlike the Obama idea of “fairness”, it doesn’t increase the taxes I pay to give someone else more money back at the end of the year who hasn’t paid anything. I can dig it.
Third and final. What happens when he gets into office and tries to push this through? I don’t believe for a moment that he’ll be able to get 9-9-9 through Congress. I don’t think he could get the Fairtax through right now, either, but the Fairtax is a plan with $20 million in research backing it. Even the people that don’t support it know that it could work. At least, the ones who are honest and have more brains than Hank Johnson. Hopefully, he’s one of a kind. If a legitimate plan, strongly backed and well researched, hasn’t passed yet, or even been legitimately debated, how in the world can he expect to get this new plan passed through?
What does he need to do for a recovery? Easy. He needs to add to the 9-9-9 plan. Specific, spelled out time tables to transition to the Fairtax and repeal income tax permanently. It must be included as part of the bill. It must be passed with the rest of the plan. To do otherwise leaves us wide open to additional taxation, not a change in taxation.
It it's current form, the 9-9-9 plan simply isn’t a plan that would work. Period. That' doesn’t mean I’m taking my support elsewhere, because I believe that Cain, Ron Paul, or Newt Gingrich are the only candidates with what it takes to be a strong, conservative leader and fix some of the things that are broken. Of those three, I believe that Cain is the only one with a chance to win. I will be caucusing for him, and I will do what I can to see him in office.
Heck, if I had my way, I’d have a beer with him election night after he kicks Obama’s lower Obama!
If you think Fairtax has 20 million dollars of research that proves it, I got a bridge to sell you, and an ocean. Which ocean do you want? I have a sale on Indian ocean, yours for 100 dollars a month.
You're free to be as ignorant as you want, but I promise you if you include all sources of research, it is WELL over $20 million. Government Accountability Office, Congressional Research Services, Americans for Fair Taxation (formed from the group that originated the Fairtax plan), Boston University, Centre for European Economic Research, National Bureau of Economic Research........
ReplyDeleteYeah, feel free to believe what you want. Let's keep the current 10,000 page monstrosity that punishes those who succeed to pay those who fail. That work fantastically in the USSR, too, and eventually lead to the complete economic collapse of the entire region.