Is it just me, or does it seem that the Occupy Wall Street crown gets a little more out of line each and every day?
Lets start with sheer volume. The Tea Party Patriots movement that spawned protests all across the nation a few years back had 0 arrests attributed to it. The OWS folks have (last numbers I got were this morning ) 1525. That’s a lot of people being extremely stupid for a group that’s supposed to be protesting against corporate control and greed.
Add that to the fact that you can go to any OWS protest in whatever city you find (me being local to the Seattle area, I see these schmucks out at Westlake Center every morning on my way to work – something they should try) and ask them what they are protesting. Some of them will know the generic answer “Corporate Greed”. Not all of them, which is really sad since it’s written on their signs, but some of them will get it. Now, ask them some more questions. Define corporate greed. What do corporations do that makes them greedy? Are all corporations greedy, or just some? What about Apple? Are they a greedy corporation?
I see you’re holding an iPhone. Does that mean you’re supporting corporate greed? I see you’re wearing an Abercrombie shirt. Oh, I couldn’t help but notice those Nike shoes you’re wearing. Do you choose which corporations you support, or do you just go with the current trends and support whoever is coolest, because the cool are allowed to be greedy?
I trust you all are starting to see the point? The Occupy Wall Street Movement, in itself, is not such a bad idea. Corporations have caused damage by using their lobbiests in DC to try to get themselves into advantageous positions. That is a bad thing. OWS folks, you’re right! The problem is, they have done so because the Government allows, even encourages and rewards, such behavior. If I had the money to lobby for something that was advantageous to my business, don’t you think I’d do so? Of course. I’d be stupid not to. These corporations that the OWS’s are complaining about would also be stupid not to. It’s business, and it’s a competition. That’s why iPhones don’t cost $1000. If they did, you’d all buy Android devices instead. DUH!
If these OWS folks want to really make a change, they need to march on DC. March on the Capital. Camp on Pennsylvania Avenue. Protest in front of the White House. All the little state branches should be occupying their state capitals. The GOVERNMENT controls things in this country, and they do a piss poor job of it, I might add. I have managed and owned several businesses. The one thing they all had in common was that I was over-regulated, and spent far more time doing ridiculous loads of paperwork, often redundant, to send in to various government agencies, where people who are paid by the taxes that you and I pay would sift through it (eventually) and then do whatever needed to be done with it. Whatever needed to be done often resulted in me paying them more money.
Occupy Wall Street figured out the problem, but blamed some of the other victims because the OWSers aren’t rich and the other victims are. Sounds like Obama rhetoric to me. We’ve been hearing “blame the rich” for 3 years. Blame them long enough and they’ll find somewhere else to live. They who are you going to work for?
You can occupy whatever you want. Without the “evil rich”, you’re going to have a hard time finding a job, eating, or doing much of anything else. Enjoy!
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