Jamie Dupree’s blog. If you don’t follow @JamieDupree on Twitter, I suggest you do so as well.
Historically, Republican Presidents tend to tell us who to blow up where and when, and Democrat Presidents cut military spending to the point that we’re stretched so thin we couldn’t fight a war if we wanted to. Apparently our current Dem in Chief, Obama, is more Republican than Democrat when it comes to war.
Today there was an announcement that he order combat troops deployed to Uganda. A whooping hundred, so it’s not out of hand yet, but the letter he sent to Congress promised there would be more. This make 6 nations that we are currently involved in combat operations is. Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, Libia, and now Uganda. The last time we were that embattled was also the last time we had a real DECLARED war. WWII. Yes, that’s right. We have had LOTS of “police actions'”, “military involvement” and “combat operations”. Even a solid handful of “peacekeeping missions”. All of which are wars in one manner or another, but none of which were declared by Congress as such. Which means, we’ve had a series of abuses by a series of Presidents taking matters into their own hands as well as a series of failures by a series of sitting Congresses to put a halt to the funding and call the President on his BS.
This President and this Congress are a tad different. Usually it’s the Republicans that like to start wars. What’s got this Democrat’s drawers in a wad?
Nothing. He’s simply doing everything he can to bring “fundamental change” to America, like he promised he would. Stalin would be proud. As would Mussolini, Hitler, and Mao. Once again, our tax money being flushed down the crapper by some yutz in DC. $15 TRILLION in debt, but we have enough money to police the planet, as if that’s our right, responsibility, or duty to do so.
It seems once again, everyone has forgotten history, and just assumes that ALL change is GOOD change. Not even close. I’m looking forward to some GREAT change in 2012, though. See ya, Barry. Your ass is out. NEXT!
Anyone else getting REALLY tired of hearing about our newest operations over seas? I thought the one thing Obama might actually accomplish (other than an irreversible destruction of our economy and way of live, and a massive transformation towards a totalitarian Socialist state) would be to get us OUT of wars. Read about it on
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