Yup, that’s it. I mean what I say. The GSA is not to blame for it’s massive overspending and lack of concern over partying on taxpayer dollars. Who could blame them, really? They have a giant budget and, if they appear to always be on the ragged edge of running out of money, they get an even larger budget. What could be more “win” than that?
Congress, the body that is currently investigating this example of ridiculous government waste, is to blame for this problem. They have created many of these agencies, and turned a blind eye to dozens more that were created through Executive Order in what can optimistically be labeled a “quasi-legal” manner. How can they, the keepers of the purse strings, be expected to keep tabs on each and every one of these monsters?
Heck, we have more “Departments” than Congress has Representatives! We can’t even assign one Congressional overseer per agency. Not even remotely close.
The general idea behind the GSA is not a bad one. It took several different little agencies and departments within departments and combined the groups doing similar work into one cohesive unit. Sounds like a total win to me, but the result of this becoming so large is a reduction in effective management of the individuals in that beast. Add to that the extreme lack of discipline typically shown when spending someone else’s money, and the traditional lack of oversight and restraint from Congress, and you have a recipe for…. well, this most recent scandal, which is most certainly not the only horrendous example out there. It just happens to be the one where someone got caught.
I’ve repeatedly stated that it’s time for the States to stand up and assert their Constitutionally defined sovereignty and tell the Feds to back it up. It’s also time for Congress to stand up. Congress needs to show the Executive branch that THEY, not the President, are in charge of budgets, and THEY are in charge of creating laws, not agencies that oft as not were created by executive order, affectively without the approval of Congress, and THEY are the ones who will decide what the oversight process is for any legal agency that they create, and do away with any created outside the law.
The Constitution of the United States IS THE LAW! It is time to remind some people of this fact.
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