Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Storm that Sinks a Nation…

James Madison wrote about the downfall of this nation in Federalist Paper 46.  Not so much as a prediction, but as a “how could it ever happen” sort of musing. 

He was so convinced that what the founders had forged was to stand against time; so convinced of the love of freedom that the American people have, that he could not fathom how it could come to an end. 

He wrote about the Federal Government encroaching on the power of the States, and how that could not happen because the states would obviously object. 

He wrote about how the States would raise up their militias to defend themselves, and since the Federal Government has not the power of a standing army to take every state that objected to their abuse of power, they would be forced to back down.

He wrote about the states seeing the “gathering storm” and simply ceasing to supply the Federal Government with the raw materials, money, and resource that it would need in order to build itself a force capable of quelling all resistance to its edicts.

How many powers of the States have been completely removed from the States?

How many states would be able to make even the slimmest attempt at defending itself against military action taken by the Federal Government?

How many states realize that they are in peril and have refused to supply the enemy with more materials with which to subdue them?

The states and the people continue to supply more and more to the Federal Government, while more and more of the powers that are supposed to be reserved to the states are removed from their control.  When will it hit the fan? 

One hundred years?

Twenty years?


I won’t tell you to repent, but I will tell you the end is nigh.  Are you ready for the second American Revolution?

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