Monday, April 16, 2012

The Peoples Options…

When faced with the overwhelming force that is today’s Federal government, what options do we have to secure liberty for ourselves?  It seems like more and more the “old ways” just don’t work.  Assuming the ever did.

There are 4 basic options to solve problems.  They are rather simple, perhaps even elegant in their simplicity.  But do they work?

  1. Vote the bums out.
  2. Petition, protest, and lobby.
  3. Judicial action.
  4. Just say ‘no’.

I won’t expand on 1, 2, or 3 too much, since they are all basically the same option.  1, you’re getting rid of old bums to replace them with new bums.  Even if you get new ones that believe as you do, what are the odds that the one new person you send will convince a majority of the 534 others that are already there to do what they should?  Pretty slim.  2 and 3 are basically asking “please”.  2 you’re asking your elected officials.  The very people who have already shown they don’t really care by their actions.  3 you’re asking judges, who are employed and appointed by those people who don’t care. 

4.  Yes, number 4.  We tell our kids this when talking to them about drugs.  We expect young men to realize that “no means no'” when they enter the dating world, and we tell our young ladies that “it’s alright to say no”.  Why can’t we do this with the government?

Why, we can, of course!  It was never intended that the Federal government should “rule” the states.  The Federal government’s roll in this nation was intended to be as small as possible while ensuring the states worked together for common defense. It has slowly expanded over the decades and centuries to the horrifying lump of idiocy that it is today.  Republican, Democrat… it makes no difference.  Damn few of the folks in DC really care about what’s right, just, or legal.  It’s only what they can get away with.  What benefits them, personally or professionally.

A few months back, I wrote an article about the Kentucky Resolutions.  (  In that article, I mention nullification.  The Kentucky Resolutions and the Virginia Resolutions were all about nullification.  It set forth legal precedent.  It was a basis for what should be a very strong weapon in the hands of the States to help keep their sovereignty and force the Feds to back off when they overstep their bounds.

Unfortunately, you don’t really see the states wielding this weapon.  When they do attempt to, the effort is usually thwarted by members of the state legislature who want to avoid the confrontation with the Feds for a variety of reasons, non of which I consider truly valid, since the Federal Government has gone far and above their legal claim to power and reached too far, too often to expand that power. 

Option 4 is nullification, and state rights.  States must stand up for themselves against the tyranny of the Federal Regime, or it will be too late to do anything about it.  Once freedom is lost, it will be difficult or impossible to get it back without extreme bloodshed.  But if we can fight this war before all is lost, it’s possible that we can keep what little we have, and even win back what has been taken from us, without shedding a drop of blood or picking up any weapon more deadly than a computer.

The time is near, and one can only hope that this American Revolution can be fought without bullets and gun powder.  The States must step up to do their part. 

Post written based on article at  Please check out the Tenth Amendment Center and support them in any way you’re able.

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