Friday, April 13, 2012

North Korea and Nuclear Weapons

I suppose most of you have heard about the failed launch in North Korea this week.  It’s been all over the news.  Apparently, as the story goes, they invited a bunch of media type folks over to watch the launch during the celebration of their recently dead rulers 100th birthday. 

I’m sure he was watching from whatever plain of existence he currently resides on and is likely furious.  It was a truly craptastic showing, as you might expect.  North Korea simply doesn’t have the knowledge or resources to be a credible global nuclear threat. 

There’s the argument.  Apparently, there are many people who disagree with me.  I have people just screaming for sanctions.  As stunning of a plan as that is, I see no reason to do the same thing that has failed for over half a century again.  Economic sanctions against other nations have never gotten us anything by enmity from them.  It doesn’t prevent anything, it pisses them off. 

Imagine that.  Blockading a nation might anger them.  Who would have guessed that?

I also hear people talking about war with North Korea.  That scares me far more than NK having a global capable nuke.  Here’s the deal.  An ICBM launch would be detected before the missile was halfway out of it’s silo.  Interceptor missiles would be fired and aircraft launched as a backup to those missiles, before it cleared North Korean Airspace.  It would be destroyed shortly thereafter. 

North Korea is not a credible threat to anyone but South Korea, and only then using conventional military forces and weapons.  Any nuclear launch would be detected faster than immediately and destroyed well before it was a threat to anything. 

Iran is another topic.  Their nuke program is similar to that of North Korea.  It’s not a threat to anyone.  IF they were to be dumb enough to make an attempt to follow through with the threat to try to destroy Israel, they would fail, and they would get their collective asses handed to them by just about every other nation on the planet.  It would be an epic fail moment in the history of their country.  Ridiculously so.

So, we have a choice.  There are three options open to us, that I see.  First, we issue more BS posturing and sanctions, pissing off North Korea.  Second, we can call in the military and end the situation.  Lastly, and the option we really should be pushing for.  We do nothing.  They haven’t threatened anyone recently, and the last time they did we choose to do nothing about it.  They don’t have the ability to be a credible threat, and by pushing them further into the corner, we force them to think of alternative ways to defend themselves.  If we continue, we will end up battling North Korean terrorists as well as the Middle Eastern terrorists we already have to deal with.

Because we don’t know when to leave other nations the hell alone.

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